Call for more details: [email protected] or (765) 679-1655
For Daycares & Elementary School Students
Your students will learn about the American Indians’ contribution to farming and the vegetables we eat today. We also talk about a few of the plants native to our area on the narrated hay ride to the pumpkin patch where the kids can pick out their own pie pumpkin to take home. After the ride, kids can watch a demonstration of an antique corn sheller and have more fun:
- playing the barn lot games and on the straw pyramid
- testing their skills on the corn box finger maze
- solving our original brainteasers hunting for things in the I Spy table
- perusing the gift shop and snack bar
Plenty of bus and car parking and a covered pavilion and tables available for your sack lunches.
We limit the number of classes per day to give your students our attention.
$5.50 per student.
No cover charge for teachers and chaperons.

For High School Art & Drama Classes
Lynette Eklund is available most Wednesdays to visit your junior high or high school to talk about what it is like to be a professional performer and artist. October (dates YTBD), Lynette Eklund and Terri Hardin are available to give educational talks together on the subject.
Drama talks cover voice-over, stage, TV and film puppeteering, acting, and specialty suit performing, including insight on agents, managers and training.
Art talks will discuss the various mediums and how they contribute to commercial art forms in the film industry as well how they meet many other commercial needs for lucrative career options.
FORMAT: A 1-hour talk, followed by a 1-hour Q&A forum, so students may ask things that pertain to their curiosities directly.
FEE: $1 per student. Minimum $25. (Money is not the reason. Inspiring IS!) This offer is available on a first-contact/first-served basis, open to junior high and high schools of Fayette, Franklin, Henry, Rush, Union & Wayne Counties, in an effort to inspire young creative minds to dare to think outside the box; and to grow comfortable with their uniqueness. For farther schools, call to discuss rates and availabilty.